Often times, we tend to overwork ourselves and before we know it, we are stressed, overwhelmed and burnt out. We are not able to show up the way that we need to show up in our day to day lives. We are frustrated with those around us and we become this person who is completely empty. Please understand that in order to fulfill purpose and live a fulfilled life you must constantly fill your tank. Providing yourself the necessary things you need to be whole, healthy and happy.
In order to avoid burnout, you first have to know what is causing it. Take a moment and answer these questions
- What is draining you? What’s keeping you frustrated? Is it your job, the people you hang around or the activities you take on? You have to be honest about what’s keeping you stuck and is depleting your peace of mind and joy.
- What has your focused? Sometimes we are tired because we are worried about things that we can’t control or refusing to deal with the issues within. You have to understand that the energy you are giving, is the same energy returning to you. If you are focused on the negative, you attract the negative.
- What are you willing to change? Once you understand what your triggers are, you have to decide are you willing to change your thoughts and habits in order to receive a different result.
Few things to consider when you are feeling tired:
- Knowing when to shift: Listen to your mind, body and spirit. Give yourself what you need in any giving moment. Refuse to keep going when you feel empty, you have to refill your cup. Refuse to stay in an atmosphere that is not good for your next level.
- Take off the band-aids: Stop repeating cycles because you don’t want to deal with the effects of change. No more covering up where you really are, you are not okay. Be honest with yourself and begin to do your work.
- Adjust: Take the necessary step for a better you. Understand that somethings in your life are temporary and you have to be okay with that.
I know you probably thought that this article was just about being tired physically but this is about your overall well-being. I want to see you living your best life and in order to do that, you have to deal with you.
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Shanita Rowsey, Life Innovator. Book Coach. Best-selling Author
Learn more at www.shanitarowsey.com