We live in a world where so much is happening. You can lose your power from that trying job, the demands of your family or just existing in the world. If you do not recognize your power, cherish your power, you will lose it. You can lose it in that relationship, career or failure. You have to understand that you have power within you. You just need to tap back into it. Own it!
Here is three ways to regain your power.
1. Plug In!
Are you plugged in to the main source? Have you disconnected yourself from God? Plug back into God. Make time to study the Word. Pray first thing in the morning. In order for you to feel Him moving, you have to be connected. He will daily fill you up with the joy, peace and strength you need for the journey.
2. Realize that You are Enough!
Stop looking for others to give you what you already have. You are enough. Your gifts and talents were made just for you. Nobody can beat you doing those things. Your shape, style and craziness is meant to show others that they can be amazing too! Don’t forget who you are in the process of life. Tap into your God-giving power!
3. Walk in it!
When you are confident that you are His and that you have something to offer. Your attitude changes. You walk different. I want to encourage you to walk in your Power boldly. Start the New Business. Take the trip. Make the deal. Write the book. Be the Best version of yourself. There is Power Within You!